Meany Street Group Home
The Meany Street Group Home is a beautiful 8 bedroom home that was built in 1997. This home has a warm and inviting atmosphere with each bedroom individually decorated to the taste of the occupant. The home has an open concept that encourages interactions with all who live and work there.

Services Offered
Home Life
Home life and activities go hand and hand at the Meany Street Group Home. There are activities planned on a constant basis, including Griz football games, outings to see the newest movie or a trip to the library.
Medical Needs
There is a staff dedicated to the medical needs of each individual, whether it be to schedule an appointment, transporting or being the individual’s advocate, the staff is there to support the individual.
Transportation to and from work is provided daily with either a lift equipped bus, minivan or if they choose to walk, a staff will accompany them.
Meany Street Group Home
Direct Line: 406-826-3694
Office: 406-826-3689 ext 100
110 E. Meany St.
Plains, MT 59859