Corner Grocery in Plains, MT
The Corner Grocery is a discount grocery store that stocks a variety of items at low prices. This business was created to provide another avenue for the local community to purchase groceries and to provide paid work for LBSI consumers.
A Variety of Items at Low Prices!
The stock varies based on the shipment, which ranges from canned goods to cereal, dog food to vitamins and everything in between. Purchased truckloads are packed with different items that vary by brand name; inventory is never the same, so stop by often!

Organic & Gluten Free
Find Gluten Free and Organic items at a huge discount!

Dressings & Gourmet Items
Salad Dressings, Gourmet Sauces, Garnishments & More!

Baking & Breakfast
Goods for baking and all types of breakfast cereals!
Follow our Facebook page for updates on new deals and stock!
Corner Grocery
Open Mon.-Sat. 10 am-5:30pm
201 South Hubbard St
Plains, MT 59859